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Dr. Kitti K. Outlaw is a Member of The American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Facial Implants

Facial implants bring balance and better proportion to the structural appearance of your face. They define your face by increasing projection and creating more distinct features.

The appearance of your face is determined by three basic components: skin, soft tissues and underlying facial bones. If the structure of your face is disproportionate — the chin is recessed, the jaw undefined or cheeks are flat — it can significantly affect your self image.

Defined facial features, visible contours and natural angles that are proportionate all create structural balance in your face and a more attractive appearance.

If you are bothered by a small chin, weak jaw or lack of facial contour, plastic surgery with facial implants may benefit you. While any area of your face can be augmented with implants, the cheekbones, chin and jaw are the most common sites for facial implants.


  • Return to work and other normal activity within a week.
  • Generally performed in the surgeon's office or an outpatient surgical center.
  • Adds aesthetically pleasing contour to the face.
  • Results are essentially permanent.