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Dr. Kitti K. Outlaw is a Member of The American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty)

Rhinoplasty is an operation to improve the shape and size of the nose so that it is in harmony with the rest of the face.

Rhinoplasty is essentially a surgical sculpting of the nose and is accomplished by careful contouring of the bone and cartilage giving the nose its shape. At the same time deformities that cause breathing problems and some sinus disorders can be corrected. Most incisions (seamless rhinoplasty) are placed inside the nose where they are least visible.

Am I a good candidate for rhinoplasty?

Some of the indications that you may be a good candidate for rhinoplasty are:

  • your nose appears too large for your face
  • there is a bump on the nasal bridge when viewed in profile
  • your nose seems too wide when viewed from the front
  • the nasal tip droops or plunges
  • the tip is thickened or enlarged
  • your nostrils are excessively flared
  • your nose is off-center or crooked
  • previous injury has made your nose asymmetrical
It is important that you have a clear idea of how you would like your nose to look and, at the same time, realize that there are limitations to the procedure. Patients with sufficient physical and emotional maturity who undergo rhinoplasty because they want to enhance their self-image are usually very satisfied with their decision.

Nose surgery, before and after. Rhinoplasty.Nose surgery (Rhinoplasty) after picture.